CLCRC / El Centro Peer Mentor
Major(s) and Minor (if any)
Psychological and Brain Sciences and Applied Psychology
If you are a first-generation and/or income-eligible student, what has your experience been like at UCSB?
It's been alright. Unless it used in data for demographics, the school as an institute does not view me as a first gen but just another stuent. However it does give me different perspectives when I meet other students on campus who do not share those identities with me.
What would you like to share with students about your experience at UCSB?
It hasn't been the easiest, especially as a transfer, but I wouldn't say my efforts have been for nothing. I love the experiences and memories I've made here so far !!
Top tips for fellow students? (Study tips, self care hacks, fav resources on campus, etc)
Do your homework the day they're assigned to you. Quarter system is so fast and will sneak up on you when assignments start to pile up and are due the exact same day time ONDAS, TSC, SRB, Mosher Alumni, and many more have FREE resources for students to use! Touch tanks are open to the public on certain days :) relax and touch the sea critters Please use the GoGaucho app! Students worked hard on that app and its so beneficial for class schdules, studying, dining hall hours, and so much more! PLEASE talk to your DEPARTMENT advisors
Best advice you've received that has helped you at UCSB.
Enjoy yourself while can, because your time here is so short and you'll regret the things you don't do more often. That can go for both academics and your social life.
Why did you choose to be an EOP peer mentor?
While I've only been here for one year I believe I bring a different perspective and experience as to what it means to be a Gaucho. We all come from different walks of life and having someone who may just have a similar background to you as a peer mentor can make a difference. I know it has for me seeing the changes in who becomes peer mentors throughout my time in school.