CLCRC / El Centro Peer Mentor
Major(s) and minor(s):
What would you like to share with students about your experience at UCSB?
I have made so many memories with the people I’ve met here. Whether it’s long study sessions or a weekend at the beach. I've also learned how to keep up with the quarter system! It can be very easy to fall behind but some TAs and professors do a really good job laying out their expectations.
Top tips for fellow students?
Find what study method works best for you! If you feel like no matter how much you study you still aren’t getting the outcomes you want, you might need to switch up your study methods. The sooner you get this down the less stressful the quarter system will feel especially as a first gen student.
Best advice you've received that has helped you at UCSB.
Everyone is on their own path at their own pace. Don’t ever feel like you’re way behind other people or aren’t as fast paced as others. Never feel like you’re alone either; there are always other people who share your struggles. Just be aware of where your limits are and when it’s time to ask for additional help.
Why did you choose to be an EOP peer mentor?
I chose to be an EOP peer mentor because I would love the opportunity to help others that were in the same situation as I was. It can be intimidating to come into an environment you’re not used to, so learning how to navigate that is the best way to go about it. I also look forward to seeing how students learn what works for them and regain control.